Week 6

Mail Station

Mail. Do you shudder at the word? We all get too much mail and without a process for opening mail, it can quickly take over every flat surface in your home. Don’t worry, the process doesn’t have to be complicated! The key is to make it a habit.

First, set up your mail station, which can be a section of your kitchen counter top, your home office desk, a bookshelf, a rolling cart, whatever works for your family. You should have a file box, basket, or drawer which will act as your inbox. All incoming mail should immediately be placed here! The inbox must be large enough to hold large envelopes, but small enough to hold only about a week’s worth of papers, which will force you to stay on top of it. I also recommend having a small trash can, recycling bin and shredder close to your mail station so you can discard any unnecessary items as soon as you start opening the mail.

Decide how often you want to open mail, but be sure to not wait longer than a week. You may be surprised that opening mail daily actually takes less time in the long run! All junk mail and outer envelopes should be discarded immediately. Shred all unwanted credit card applications and any other paperwork with personal information. All bills, magazines, important correspondence, and other needed paperwork should be sorted by category and filed immediately. We will set up a system for processing these items next week.

If you make a habit of opening mail regularly and have a place for everything, you will never be buried under piles of unopened envelopes again!

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Week 6 Mail