Week 3

Food Storage Containers

Now that your fridge and pantry are working for you instead of against you, let’s talk food storage!

Before you start this challenge, ask yourself a few questions: How many containers did you have to empty (or just throw away!) during your fridge challenge? Do you a favorite material (glass vs plastic) or shape (square vs round)? How much time do you spend looking for a lid that fits when you’re hurrying to pack your lunch before work?

Set your timer for 15 minutes and collect every food storage container you own. Your first day might consist entirely of collecting items, and that is ok! You have all week to sort and organize. Pile them all in the same location, ideally one that doesn’t need to be cleared off right away. Match up containers and lids. Toss all lids with no match. Containers with no match can be tossed, or utilized as storage around your house. When you put things back, store containers nested and lids vertical, if space allows.

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