Week 4

Kitchen Utensils & Gadgets

This week we are focusing on utensils. Are you constantly digging through a mix of silverware, cooking utensils, serving utensils, and handy gadgets to find a specific item when cooking a meal? Spend 15 minutes today emptying all of your kitchen drawers. Yes, even the ones that are hiding those obscure gadgets you rarely use! Focus each day this week making piles of like items, forks with forks, spoons with spoons, etc.

Once everything has been sorted, review each pile. How many of each item do you really need? Take a hard look at your gadgets. Yes a banana slicer is cool, but couldn’t you also just use a knife? If you love it and have the space for it, keep it. If not, donate it!

When returning items to the drawers, set up zones. Create a separate space for everyday silverware, baking tools, serving utensils, and so on. Inside each drawer, use cardboard or plastic boxes as drawer dividers to corral similar items for easy retrieval. The goal for this week is not to get rid of all your utensils! Our goal is to make your life easier by filling your space with the items you love and use regularly.

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Week 4 Utensils & Gadgets